******* Vision-8 ******* The Portable CHIP8 Emulator Version 1.0 Copyright (C) 1997 Marcel de Kogel Amiga version copyright (C) 1997 Lars Malmborg Hardware and Software Requirements ================================== Unix version: X-Windows running in 8, 16 or 32 bits per pixel mode MS-DOS version: A 286 or better microprocessor A CGA video card Coleco ADAM version: ADAM CP/M 2.2 or TDOS (TDOS recommended) MSX version: 64KB RAM MSX-DOS 1.0 One or two joysticks supported Amiga version: A 68020+ AmigaOS 3.x (Optionally AmiWin to run the X version on Amiga) All: Some CHIP8 games For information about other ports, please check the distribution site. Files included ============== v8 The emulator v8.txt This file v8.bg (MSX and ADAM only) Default background picture The latest version of Vision-8 can always be found on the Vision-8 distribution site at http://www.komkon.org/~dekogel/vision8.html Key Mappings ============ Most of the original CHIP8 games are programmed for a keyboard with the following layout: 1 2 3 C 4 5 6 D 7 8 9 E A 0 B F This is emulated as follows: 1,2,3,4,q,w,e,r, - CHIP8 keypad a,s,d,f,z,x,c,v and 9,0,-,=,i,o,p,[, j,k,l,;,n,m,,,. Joystick - (MSX and ADAM only) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 Fire buttons - (MSX and ADAM only) 5 Keypads - (ADAM only) 1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9, A,0,B Special Keys: F1 (MSX,MS-DOS,Amiga) / - Reset virtual machine CTRL+X (ADAM) ESC - Quit emulator (Also F10 on MS-DOS version) Command line options* ==================== -h - Print a help page describing the available options -ip - Select number of opcodes per interrupt [15 or 16] Increase this value to run your games faster, decrease it to run them slower -up - Select number of interrupts per screen update (MSX and ADAM only) [1] -bg - Select background picture to load (MSX and ADAM only) [v8.bg] The background picture is simply a dump of the VRAM: Pattern table is at location $0000, the colour table is at $1800 -s - Select synchronisation mode [1] 0 - Do not synchronise emulation 1 - Synchronise emulation to hardware clock Using -sync 0 will speed up the emulation * The Amiga version uses the standard Amiga argument parser instead, so try "v8 Help" to get it, or "v8 ?" for an argument template. Legal issues ============ This software can be used free of charge and may be distributed freely, as long as the archive isn't modified in any way, no profit is made from distributing it, and no games are supplied with it. Also, this software comes without any warranty, neither express nor implied: Use at your own risk History ======= 1.0 12-6-1997 Initial release Please send your comments to Marcel at m.dekogel@student.utwente.nl Amiga related comments should be sent to Lars at glue@df.lth.se